Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Floral Fest

Floral fest ran from 13th - 17th October with a day school by Chelsea Medallist Mig Kimpton; a talk by Sean Murray in the Chelsea Garden Experience and to close the event a floral demonstration by Jonathan Moseley. We also held a 3 day festival too with exhibits by club members, teamwork trust and some junior arrangers.

Thank you to everyone who was involved and everyone who supported the event.

To see some of the wonderful photos from the event click the link below.


Thursday, 6 October 2016

Corby Floral Fest

Don't forget next week is our Flower Festival which is being held Friday 14th - Sunday 16th October between 11.00 and 3.30 p.m at the Kingswood Neighbourhood Centre. 

We also have lots of other events going on during the Floral Fest on Saturday 15th October - a Talk on the Chelsea Flower Show Designing a Garden by Sean Murray and Monday 17th October - a floral demonstration by Jonathan Moseley called Floral Art Attack.

Burghley Flower Festival

Well done to Emma Atkins, Andy Linsell, Kate Linsell, Mandy Ross and Emma Wright for representing the club at the Burghley Flower Festival today. The work is beautiful. The festival is open from Sat 1st October to Sunday 9th excluding next Friday. Well worth a visit.

October workshop

Don't forget to come and join us in 27th October at 7.30 pm at the Kingswood Neighbourhood Centre for our Halloween workshop. Visitors are welcome cost £5.

October Halloween Workshop

Our next workshop is to be held on Thursday 27 October at 7.30 pm at the Kingswood Neighbourhood Centre. We would love to see you. The theme is Halloween and here are the workshop requirements.

2 Stems of Leuchadendron Safari Sunset
7 x Orange Germini (Preferable with Black centre)
1 Pumpkin (the size of an orange or a grapefruit)
1 Wooden Kebab Screwer
3 x medium Fatsia leaves
3 pieces of any fern from the garden or 3 stems of leather leaf
5 pieces of ivy preferably with berries on
A plastic rectangular tray (the size which takes a whole block of floral foam).
2/3 block of Floral foam